Ibai Palos Imunita - Puro Aramara

Ibai Palos Imunita - Puro Aramara

Opening Friday 2 October 20h
To open the exhibition of paintings and ceramics of Ibai Palos Munita, the ALOS QUARTET will be presenting their latest production "10 tanta". An exceptional event!

Ibai Palos Munita, that is my name to the world. Aramara is the one my mother had chosen if I were born as a girl. Aramara for the Huichol indigenous people in Mexico means the sacred place of gods.
I'm a river, my name is Aramara.
I'm not sure what are we doing in this world. What I know for sure is that I have developed a mysterious power to avoid what I don't like. This is why since I was a kid I decided to create other worlds from painting and ceramics.
Dreams, fears; life, death: white, evil; black, pleasant; color, the void; small talks between love and hate.
It seems that there is a little secret in life...hidden between the dreams and that time that we call reality.

Half Basque half Mexican Ibai Palos Munita was born in Guadalajara, Mexico on the 20 January 1981. He started working with ceramics in 1995 and painting in 1999. He accomplished an arts degree in 2005 and since then he has worked mural paintings with his colleagues at GKo.