Event Organisation

graffiti street events

We have a large experience on graffiti events. We have organized from graffiti exhibitions, to graffiti meetings or competitions. Always with the best ambient possible and making people  to have really nice experiences. Some of the events we have organized: 

- San Joaneko Graffiti Exhibizioa
- Hirukideko graffiti exbihizioa
- Kilometroko graffiti deialdia
- Graffiti from Chile to Euskal Herria
- Tolosa Beantatuz Lehiaketa

Contact us for any request: info@gko-gallery.com

International artist exchange

In 2009 we organized Repúblicv 2110 - 3010. Repúblicv brought together three groups of artists: KiltrV (Chile), Spacejunk (France) and GKo Gallery (Basque Country), to think and dream about the future of the Republic. 

We organized three  exhibitions, which merged with their respective spaces. It was made between three countries  what gave lot of flavor to the experience.

For more information : www.republicv.gko-gallery.com

Art expositions

We have organized  art exposition for other arte spaces  such as Palacio de Aramburu. AurrezAurre was the last experience we made. A collective exposition about womens made by womens.